07 December 2003

Last night at work a co-worker said to me, "I have this gay friend and he always pronounces the g's at the end of words like going and running." When he said "gay friend" I assumed the story would have something to do with the friend's sexuality. But it didn't. So I mentioned to him that I found it peculier that he felt the need to tell me his friend is gay as it didn't pertain to the story in any way. He looked at me as though he wasn't sure how to respond, then he got very defensive. He says (and I paraphrase), "What, do you think I mentioned he's gay because I'm homophobic and therefore everytime I see him I just see him as gay and not as all the other things he is? Or maybe you think that I'm trying to prove how open-minded I am because I hang out gay people and I want everyone to know that I'm so enlightened and non-prejudiced. Or maybe it makes YOU uncomfortable to talk about gay people and the problem is with you! Or maybe you think that secretly I'm gay and the outlet is to talk about other people being gay."

It was the oddest thing. He got really angry with me, but in hindsight I think he felt a little silly having said, "I have this gay friend." So I told him that it just seemed odd. It would be like me saying, "I have this black friend and he loves to read." Because his love of reading has nothing to do with his being black anymore than his friend's weird word pronunciation has to do with him being gay. So for the next of the night, whenever I spoke to the guy I work with, I prefaced who I was talking about with some description.

"My half Puerto Rican co-worker Daniel needs you to take some iced tea to his table."

"Left-handed Joe just told me the funniest joke!"

Finally my co-worker was like "Ok! I get it! Stop talking about people like that!"

I did turn it into a big joke, but it really did kind of bother me. Everyone is always so concerned with labeling other people. It drives me crazy! But maybe now my co-worker will think twice when talking about someone different from himself.

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