20 October 2002

I promised a stalker update, and here it is. Since my last entry about seven hours ago, there have been developments.

Forced to go grocery shopping, I left the stakeout in the hands of my roommate. While I shopped I worried that BMW would be gone when I returned. Luckily, BMW still sat across from my house when I got home. I parked directly in front of him and made a few observations. Along with his permit allowing him to park in my neighborhood, his car has an EZ Pass. This means he goes through the tunnels with some frequency. Perhaps he works north of the city and uses the tunnel to get onto 95 every day. Also, hanging from his rear view window is a parking permit for the University of Baltimore. UB is almost exclusively a graduate school. That means BMW is well educated. I like that. I visited the University of Baltimore website but couldn't decide what program BMW might be in. There are several computer related programs, after all.

Now, the frustrating part of the day. After observing his car I went into my house to put away my groceries. My roommate informed me that he had not seen BMW all day, and he had been dutifully checking for me approximately once every five minutes. He's a stalker, too, so he understands the urgency. I checked on BMW once more and then made myself a tuna fish sandwich and sat down to watch a rerun of Saturday Night Live. Not two minutes later my roommate checked on BMW and he was gone! We missed him! ARGH!

As a result, the next time BMW is parked outside my house the stakeout will be much more thorough. We're talking never losing sight of the BMW, people. We're talking 24 hour, constant surveillence.

Perhaps this week I will look into therapy.

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