21 January 2003

Dear Snow,

We used to be friends. In my childhood, you would cancel school, then we'd play. You helped me attack my friends and build forts, and you waited patiently while I went inside to drink hot chocolate. We had some good times.

Those days are over.

I've grown up, Snow, and you have become quite the pest. Now you cause car accidents which make me late. You do not cancel work the way you once cancelled school. In fact, because of you I have to get up even earlier to compensate for your antics.

Don't get me wrong, Snow. You're still beautiful. And when you visit on weekends I have a great time building fires and watching movies. But sometimes you overstay your welcome. The fact is, Snow, I have outgrown you. In short, I think it's time we went our seperate ways.

Have a nice life, don't keep in touch,


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