24 January, 2003

I filched this survey from another diary because I am bored.

1. If you could be instantly fluent in one other language that you currently do not read or speak, which would it be?

Any language that doesn't have the same alphabet as English, because they are so different.

2. If you could have the starring role in any film already made, what would it be?

I would like Antonio Bandaras' role in Original Sin, or Elizabeth Mitchell's role in Gia, or any role that has a sex scene with Angelina Jolie.

3. If you could receive one small package this very moment, who would it be from and what would be in it?

It would be a check for $1,000,000.00, from Oprah. She can spare it.

4. If you could own one painting from any collection in the world but were not able to sell it, which work of art would you select?

Anything by Jackson Pollock

5. If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be?

Mind control. Bwah Ha Ha Ha.

6. If you had to choose the most valuable thing you ever learned what would it be?

How to read

7. If you could have only one piece of furniture in your house, what would it be?

A big, luxurious bed with down comforter and featherbed.

8. If you could read the private diary of someone you know personally, whose diary would it be?

My younger sister, cause it would read like a soap opera and be most entertaining.

9. If you could have one person you know as your slave--well-paid and cared-for domestic laborer--for one month, who would it be?

Wow, that's tough. I'm going to go with Britney Spears.

10. If you could choose the way you will die, how would you want it to happen?

Doing something heroic, saving someone else, dying for a cause.

11. If you could wake up tomorrow to learn that the major newspaper headlines were about you, what would you want them to say?

"Winner of $12382 million dollar lotto attracts the attention and affection of actress Angelina Jolie."

12. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

I swear I didn't read this question before answering the last one! I would pay off all my student loans and credit cards, and I would buy my parents a house.

13. If you could choose the music at your funeral, what would it be, and who would play it?

Amazing Grace, remixed by Ja Rule.

14. If you could take away the vocal cords of any person, who would it be?

Joan Rivers! The woman needs to be put down, but I'll settle for taking away her vocal chords.

15. If you had to describe your idea of the perfect mate, how would you do it?

Someone who I don't get tired of after a few weeks, someone who makes me laugh, and someone who doesn't take things too seriously.

16. If you had to have a personal friend redecorate your house, who would you pick to do it?

None of my personal friends have any taste. But I think I'd let my mother redo my house.

17. If you could have prevented one thing from happening between you and a friend, what would it have been?

Whatever happened between me and my friend S. (I'm not sure what that is, as she won't really talk to me anymore).

18. If you could learn the total number of hours you have spent in your life doing one thing, what would it be?


19. If you had to describe yourself as a child in one word, what would it be?


20. If you could own a single prop from any film ever made what would you choose?

The jiffy pop poppers from The X-Files. What a great place to throw a party!

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