13 February 2003

Five Things I Love:

1. Arby's Honey Mustard

2. Daisies

3. Baseball

4. Plush carpet

5. Fireplaces

Five Things I Hate:

1. Public displays of affection

2. Crying in front of others

3. Tomatoes

4. My car

5. Tile floors

Five Things I Can't Live Without:

1. My DVD player

2. My fleece pants

3. My down comforter

4. Instant Messager

5. The free book exchange

Five Things I'd like to live without:

1. Cell Phone

2. Roommate

3. My job

4. Exercise

5. Bugs

Five Things that make life worth living:

1. My friends

2. My family

3. 24

4. Good books

5. Pizza

Five possible names for future children:

1. Nora

2. Jackson

3. Lucy

4. Adrien

5. Luke

Five places I'd like to visit:

1. France

2. Australia

3. Canada

4. Seattle

5. Costa Rica

Five things that scare me:

1. Being involuntarily alone

2. Snakes

3. Terrorism

4. Intolerance

5. Jelly Fish

Five words that describe me:

1. Funny

2. Private

3. Clumsy

4. Open Minded

5. Moody

Five words that make me sick:

1. Moist

2. Belly

3. Pork

4. Limp

5. Crackle

Five words I love:

1. Fuck

2. Fondle

3. Yearn

4. Caress

5. Cradle (as a verb)

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