21 April 2003

I went out on Friday night with a bunch of people for my roommate's boyfriend's birthday. I drank a LOT.

We started at the Owl Bar, which is the greatest place. It's in the Belvedere Hotel, which at one time was the swankiest, most upscale hotels around. It was the place for famous people to stay. In one corridor leading to the Owl Bar there are pictures of famous people who have stayed there, and it mostly numbers presidents and other politicians, along with old singers like Vic Damone. However, smack in the middle of the yellowing pictures and black and white photographs are two brightly colored pictures: Kirstie Allie and Tim Allen. It was so out of place looking it was hilarious. The Owl Bar is so fancy and classy looking that I felt dumb ordering a beer, despite the fact that everyone around me was ordering beer. Instead I got a Cosmopolitan, my snooty drink of choice. Roomate's Boyfriend got a Manhatten, and Roomate got vodka and tonic. We felt so grown up. Then two of our friends met us there and they both ordered beer. Silly immature kids.

From the Owl Bar we headed to Central Station. A friend of mine had won a $50 bar tab there from singing karaoke, so we had that to burn. It must have been a random drawing, because I've heard her, and girl can't sing. So we met up with her and her girlfriend and another guy friend of ours, the Argentinian. We spent a lot of time at Central. They just added a piano bar which was pretty nice. Very crowded. Also at Central I saw my high school biology teacher! I didn't speak to him, as I really wasn't sure how comfortable he would be talking to a former student in a gay bar. This guy Steve, though, who sort of latched on to me for some reason, kept hinting that I should introduce him to my teacher. I'm sorry, but the day I introduce a guy I just met at a gay bar to my high school science teacher is a day that will never happen. It would be too weird.

After a few hours at Central, the Argentinian tells us that a guy he met, Yellow Hat, is going to the Allegro so we should all go. We leave Central and I realized I REALLY needed to go to the bathroom, so we stopped into the Hippo for that purpose. Roommate's Boyfriend is friends with most of the workers there, so we stood around and talked for awhile before going to Allegro.

While walking from the Hippo to the Allegro, Steve (the random guy who attached himself to me) links arms with me and says, "Let's talk. I want to get into the mind of a lesbian." Although, if I remember correctly, he pronounced it LEZ-BEEN. I tell him I'm not a lesbian and he looks so betrayed. He made me feel really bad, like I had been lying to him all night. So I immediately tried to justify it. I was all, "I mean, girls are hot. There have been a few girls that I've wanted to make out with." And it's true. My friend, the one who won the bar tab, has told me that she thinks I'm an "above the waist" lesbian cause I'm always talking about wanting to make out with girls. For a moment I thought Steve was going to stop hanging out with me because I am not a lesbian and thought, "this is an odd twist", but he ended up sticking around.

At the Allegro much dancing ensued. When I am sober you cannot get me on a dance floor. But give me a few Long Island Iced Teas and I'm good to go. We were all so drunk that Roommate's Boyfriend was essentially feeling me up on the dance floor. He even apologized for it the next morning. Bar Tab Friend was freaking some guy up on the box, and afterward she was all, "Did you see that? I love dancing with that guy." She had never met him before. Finally we decided to leave. We walked Bar Tab Friend home and caught a cab back to our house. I really don't know what happened to Steve. I guess I lost him.

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