03 August 2004

I watched the movie Uptown Girls tonight. I knew I would like it, even as I recognized its cheesiness. I love that little Dakota Fanning (though not enough to go see that monstrocity, The Cat in the Hat) and I'm a sucker for movies that are sappy. But Brittany Murphy. Dear Lord, someone get that woman a cheeseburger, STAT! I thought she was absolutely adorable in Clueless but everytime I've seen her since she's looked less and less attractive as she wastes away to nothing. Honestly, is this

the picture of a young Hollywood beauty? She is SO SKINNY. At one point in the movie she tries to be seductive for the love interest by showing some leg from under her skirt, and I know I certainly wasn't aroused. Her legs have no shape and they are terribly terribly skinny. She looks malnourished.

I know it's been said a million times about the travesty of what society says is attractive. That girls are given unreal standards of beauty and that it leads to disorders and such. But even as I agree with all of that, I usually still think many very skinny women are beautiful. It's like I realize I've been brainwashed but I feel that way anyway. But I just can't get over Brittany Murphy. If this is what people are finding attractive these days, we're all in trouble.

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