20 September, 2003

It bums me out that I haven't been writing here much. But with my new lack a decent computer, it's been very hard.

Last night a hurricane hit Maryland. It wasn't nearly has exciting as I thought it would be. My sister and I stocked up on liquor, snacks, and games. We prepared for the worst. As of 8:30 nothing more exciting than a little rain had occurred. Then two dreamy firemen knocked on our door. A power line had gone down and was sparking near someone's Chevy Blazer. The dreamy firemen were trying to find the owner of said Blazer. Unfortunately, my sister and I do not own a blazer. So the firemen left, much to our disappointment. Normally I don't find men attractive if I've never had a conversation with them. I rely a lot on intellectual stimulation. But these firemen, they did not need to intellectually stimulate me. I don't know if it was the uniform, or what, but they had me and my sister giggling like teenagers.

Then, at about 10:30, just as we put in High Fidelity, the power went out. Yay! Finally some excitement! we thought. We lit our candles and played some Monopoly by candlelight. Then we went to bed. I woke up this morning and the power was still out. Getting ready for work with the power out is not cool. Want to dry your hair? Too bad. Can't see through the shadows in your drawers? Sorry. According to BG&E, we MIGHT have our power back by Monday. WHAT? Sheesh. So now I'm at my parents. Their power didn't go out, thank goodness. My grandmother lives with them and relies on an oxygen tank to breathe.

I wish I had brought my cat to my parent's house with me. It makes me sad to think of her all alone at home. I'll get her tomorrow.

In other news, Sars is looking for Don. If you can help her, please do. And if you can't help her, read Tomato Nation anyway. Sars is brilliant.

also, someone got to my diary by searching for "persimmmon", the name of another diarist who I read. That happened awhile back with IndigoGirl7. Weird.

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