23 October 2003

I have a new favorite show. Joan of Arcadia. I missed the first two episodes, but since then I've been hooked. Yeah, it's only been four episodes total, but I think it's a great show. Yeah, it comes on Friday nights, but it can be taped! I highly suggest it to anyone. In the show Joan is visited by God, in many forms, and as a result her life and the lives of those around her have begun to change. It's such a wonderful, quirky, original show.

Now that I work at night I have to tape all of my favorite shows. That sucks because I'm terribly forgetful. Which is why I missed the first to episodes of Joan despite the fact that I've been looking forward to it for quite some time.

To change subject completely, I'm so hungry right now! I've been doing this low carb/low fat diet for about a month. So far it hasn't been to bad, and I've lost about 13 pounds. Unfortunately, it makes it near impossible to just grab something to eat when you're hungry. I think part of the reason I've lost weight is that I just can't be bothered with preparing anything. But to be perfectly honest, sometimes I could just go for some cheetos. But it's cool. Because my jeans, the ones that didn't fit a month ago, they fit now! Yay!

I've never been one of those people who is obsessed with being thin or obsessed with weight, like a lot of people I know. But lately my clothes have started to get a little snug, and I'm practical. I certainly can't afford a new wardrobe.

Plus, any diet that lets me eat cheese it ok in my book.

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