09 December 2002

It snowed on Thursday. I like snow, but it doesn't snow here frequently. At least, not anything more than flurries. The last time it snowed a significant amount I lived with my parents. So, this time around I found my car plowed in, snow packed up against the car up to my window, and no snow shovel. Why would I need a snow shovel? So, in my work clothes, I dug with my hands, kicked with my feet, and used the weight of my car door to get the snow far enough away for me to pull out. Two cars down from me a guy shoveled himself out, but didn't attempt or offer to help me. Jerk.

I'm tempted to run out to Wal-Mart and by a shovel, but I know it won't snow again for five years and I'll have moved to a new house by then and really don't feel like adding one more thing to transfer from this house to that house. I'm so lazy.

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