28 March 2003

My roommate spent this week in California for work. I am so jealous. He spent Monday, Thursday, and Friday in San Francisco, and Tuesday and Wednesday in Monteray Beach. We were three thousand miles and a three hour time difference away from each other and we still managed to talk almost as we do when we're in the same house.


Stacey: Hello?

Stacey's Roommate: I'm in San Francisco! How's work?

S: Sucks. How is California?

SR: So cool. I'm getting ready to drive down the coast to Monteray Beach.

S: I hate you.

SR: I have nothing else to say

S: Bye.


S: Hello?

SR: Did you know that in California they don't adjust the Friends schedule on TBS to Pacific Time? That means I can watch it in the middle of the day!

S: Shouldn't you be at your conference?

SR: I left early. It was boring. Everyone left early.

S: God Bless the government.

SR: Gotta go. Friends is on.


S: Hello?

SR: Can you look on the internet for some gay places I can go when I get to San Francisco?

S: Dude, you're going to be in San Francisco. Just go outside.

SR: You looked up places for me when I went to Alabama.

S: Fine. Hold on. [Stacey types "San Francisco Gay Community" into Google] Here's a bookstore.

SR: That's perfect. It's probably in the gay part of town, and I can talk to whoever is working there.

S: OK. It's called [blah blah blah] and the address is [blah blah blah].

SR: OK. Bye.

five minutes later

SR: Hello?

S: I just found THE coolest website about gay life in San Franciso.

SR: What's cool about it?

S: There are SO many colors! It's so bright and shiny!

SR: Does it have any information?

S: Dude! You can go on a tour! There is this old lesbian who gives tours!

SR: I love old lesbians who give tours!

S: Who doesn't? Oh, not until May though. OOH! There's an erotic art's a link, hold on...woah. That is definitely erotic art.

SR: Guys or girls?

S: Guys.

SR: Excellent.

S: I gotta go. But seriously, this website is so pretty.

SR: Bye.


S: Hello?

SR: I am never coming home. San Francisco rocks.

S: Where are you?

SR: I'm in this cute little store, looking for souvenirs.

S: What's the town like?

SR: The hills! It's crazy. My God, the hills.

S: You're just rubbing it in my face.

SR: I gotta go.

ten minutes later

S: Hello?


S: We SO need one. I love Marky Mark.

SR: Yeah. He is practically naked. So we need it, right?

S: We NEED it.

SR: The Marky Mark souvenir is the least gay thing I've bought. Gay souvenirs for everyone!

S: Goodbye

My roommate just got home a few hours ago. He brought me the Marky Mark mouse pad, a keychain, a shot glass, and a new Jack In The Box antenna topper. It's great! Marky Mark is beautiful, with his angry, crotch grabbing, undewear donning self. My roommate informed me that we need to go to San Francisco for vacation some time. I'm still jealous.

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