10 April 2003

I haven't written in here in quite some time. My head has been all over the place lately. I haven't been able to concentrate on one thing for more than a few minutes. My life the past few weeks has been one random thought after the next, so likely this entry will play out in a similiar fashion.

The other day my roommate didn't know the word "gumption". I found it to be strange, since I remember when I learned the word. It was in a Ramona book. If I learned something in a Ramona book, it seems odd that my genius roommate doesn't know it.

Speaking of geniuses, two of my friends and I took an IQ test at It was a thirteen minute test, and I scored a 153. According to the website, that means I am a genius. I told my family about my high score and they laughed at me for believing an online test. They laugh because they can't understand the magnitude of my intellect.

My roommate and I have applied to approximately ten jobs each, and neither of us have heard from anyone, other than the "thank you for applying" email. I guess the job market really DOES suck. Maybe I should put my IQ on my resume.

I'm feeling very good about the war. As good as anyone can feel about a war. I don't care where people stood before this war began, I have a hard time believing that it didn't make all Americans feel good to see Iraqi citizens kissing American soldiers and dancing in the streets and pulling down the statue of Hussein and dragging his head through the streets on a rope. I could not help but smile seeing the groups of Iraqi Americans in Michigan waving American and Iraqi flags, singing and crying in joy over the liberation of their families in Iraq.

I'm tired of my job. I'm trying to make a conscious effort to suck it up and do it well, since I'm not getting out anytime soon, but it's hard. It is so hard. Blargh!

I used to have a crush on this girl. She freaked out when she realized how I felt. Things ended badly. Which makes me sad because we were such good friends before it all happened. I've been thinking about her a lot, lately, but I don't know why.

It's after nine, so I suppose I should go to work. It's quite a life I lead.

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