16 June 2003

Stacey: do you ever think about if you had three wishes, like from the genie?

Stacey: cause I have

Julia: oh yes of course i have!

Stacey: and sometimes I think I'd wish that I was very beautiful

Julia: who hasn't!?

Julia: i wouldnt mind being very beautiful.

Stacey: and then I wonder, if I wished that, would my appearance actually change or would everyone just start to think I was very beautiful the way I am?

Julia: wow

Julia: thats deep

Stacey: and I hope it's the latter one, personally

Stacey: I also like the word latter

Julia: i think a better wish would be for a society that doesnt place so much emphasis on beauty. and where no woman is expected to wear make up or pluck her eyebrows or wear panty hose and high heels.

Stacey: that would be a great wish

Julia: and miss america has never existed

Stacey: but I'd still like to be really beautiful, just to see how I get treated. to wake up one morning looking like hot maria just to see what it's like.

Julia: that would be an intersting day.

Julia: i bet you'd be ogled at

Julia: i ike the word ogled

Stacey: I wouldn't mind. I think if I got ogled at every single day, I'd get tired of it. But just one day, while looking like hot maria, I wouldn't mind the ogle.

Julia: ahahahahah

Julia: does hot maria have a significant other?

Julia: and also, what would your otehr 2 wishes be?

Stacey: I know that hot maria used to have a boyfriend, but they broke up a few months ago. I don't know if she's dating anyone else yet.

Stacey: I don't know what else I'd wish for. It seems like such a heavy responsibility to have these wishes that could affect the world.

Julia: if i had just three, i would first wish for [deleted wish regarding Julia's personal life]

Stacey: that is an excellent wish

JuliaJoan: then, i'd wish for [another deleted Julia wish about her personal life]

Stacey: another good one

Julia: and my third wish would either be for [deleted]

Stacey: so you dont' feel that if you had three wishes you'd have to use to them to affect the world as a whole? like ending war or famine or aids or cancer?

JuliaJ: Oh no

Julia: i wouldnt feel like that at all

Julia: that doesnt seem possible.

Julia: also, how could you pick which one to fix?

Stacey: but it's a wish, anything is possible

Stacey: I don't know

Stacey: that's why it's hard for me

Stacey: plus, part of me doesn't want to fix disease because the world is overpopulated enough as it is

Julia: i would feel horrible using my wishes on a bunch of peope i dont know and leaving people I know miserable

Stacey: that is an excellent way to look at it

Stacey: but

Stacey: I'd feel selfish helping one person I love while keeping a million people I don't know in their worlds of suffering

Julia: i wouldnt

Julia: i mean

Julia: i might feel guilty if i wished to look like hot maria

Julia: but i wouldnt feel guilty if i helped out my family.

Stacey: I guess so.

Julia: besides, how would you pick which social ill to cure?

Stacey: I don't know. but getting rid of any would be good, I think.

Julia: i think i feel like i wouldn want to mess with the universe like that

Julia: like in tv shows when someone tries to change their destiny they get screwed over

Julia: or maybe i mean greek myths

Stacey: well in tv people get screwed over when they make selfish wishes

Julia: well

Stacey: There was this one episode of the x-files where there was this disgrunteld genie

Julia: if i was gonna cure seomething

Julia: i think it would be a childhood disease

Stacey: because she thinks that everyone would think she has the best job because she gets to see pepole be happy

Julia: i heart "disgruntled genie"

Stacey: but really people always wish for stupid things and end up hurthing themselves and others

Julia: it seems like whatever you wish for it might be stupid and the point of the story is just shut up and be happy with what you've got

Julia: OR

Stacey: then Mulder got his wishes and first he wished for peace on earth

Stacey: so he goes outside and there is no one there

Stacey: because the peace was only possible

Julia: instead of staying up all night talking about what you'd do with 3 wishes, and then sitting on your ass and doing nothing to make your own wishes come true, why not get up and do something to actually try and help people

Stacey: by everyone disappearing

Julia: see!

Julia: this is what im saying!

Julia: like if you cure cancer or aids or something

Julia: you would put so many peope and companies out of business

Julia: that everyone woudl lose their jobs

Julia: and people would be homeless and starving

Julia: so what have you helped?

Stacey: that's a good point. I never thought of it that way

Julia: you gotta think things out before you go wishin em

Stacey: but if you cure one disease, there will always be something for the researchers to research

Stacey: there will always be another illness

Julia: but what about all the oncologists?

Julia: and people who work in cancer wards of hopsitals

Julia: and companies that make chemotherapy

Julia: or drugs to help peopel deal with cancer symptoms

Stacey: do you think

Stacey: that if you asked an oncologist

Stacey: if he'd rather be unemployed if it meant having a cure for cancer

Stacey: he'd say "No, I like job security"

Julia: well

Julia: not to be totally cynical

Julia: but

Julia: what about tobacco executives?

Julia: couldn tyou say to them

Julia: wouldn tyou rather be unemployed and stop giving people cancer?

Julia: they would say

Julia: no thank you

Stacey: well

Julia: i prefer my job security

Stacey: that's different

Stacey: peopel choose to smoke

Stacey: who chooses breast cancer?

Julia: im just saying

Julia: people profit off of other people's pain.

Julia: and diseases are multi million dollar businesses

Julia: you know what i 'd like to wish for?

Julia: i'd like to wish for the absolute answer to the questions, is abortion murder

Julia: ?

Stacey: so disease is necessary for the world to work as a machine? if you take out the disease cog everything breaks down.

Julia: hm

Stacey: see, now that seems out of the realm of possibility to me

Julia: im sure that eventually the economy would recover, but you have to admit that curing cancer would mean a huge recession

Julia: well, then i'd wish for the answer to this question

Julia: What the hell is the deal with Michael Jackson?

Stacey: because, even if you were told, "yes it is" or "no it isn't" what makes it absolute? Would the wish just entail everyone agreeing in the same thing? Either everyone who previously thought abortion was murder would now think it's not or vice versa? that doesn't satisfy me.

Stacey: AHAHAHAA. I think we'd all like to know that.

Julia: the genie makes it absolute

Julia: its my wish

Julia: to know the absolute truth

Julia: so i get the absolute truth

Stacey: but, how is it absolute truth? does the genie allow for some incontravertible (how do you spell that) evidence be introduced? or just make everyone of the same mindset?

Julia: Incontrovertible

Julia: and yes either of those would work

Julia: of course

Julia: again

Julia: that would probabyl throw a big monkey wrench into society

Julia: i just think there are somethings we aren't meant to know

Julia: and curing social ills seems like trying to play god

Stacey: the world is a funny place

Julia: which never works out in movies or greek myths

Julia: yesi suppose di tis

Stacey: but if we eventually end up curing social ills through science and research, how is that any different than making a wish? and we have so many poeple striving to do just that

Julia: but do you really think that it will ever happen?

Julia: cuase i dont

Julia: nothing changes

Stacey: the people who are trying to make the changes have to believe it might happen, or else why would they do it?

Julia: they cure polio and we get aids

Stacey: yes but

Stacey: do you think if we never cured polio we'd never have gotten aids?

Julia: no

Stacey: so is finding a cure to polio playing god?

Stacey: (remember when you were going to go to bed early?)

Julia: but it seems like if a person is meant to have some kind of trouble in life, they're gonna get it.

Julia: (I know but this is so emotionally satisfying!)

Stacey: (I love it)

Julia: (as do I)

Stacey: Everyone has trouble.

Stacey: that's never going to change

Stacey: whether it's physically or emotional disease

Stacey: or whatever else

Stacey: does that mean we should stop trying to help people cause they're just gonna have their troubles no matter what?

Julia: thats true

Julia: but i still wouldnt feel selfish using my wish to help the people i know and not the general public

Julia: OH no! i totally dont think that

Stacey: how about

Stacey: if we wish away an idea

Stacey: like racism

Stacey: or homophobia

Stacey: would that hurt the world?

Julia: hm

Julia: thats a good one

Julia: i do not know

Stacey: how could it?

Julia: id like to do away with either of those things

Julia: thats a wonderful wish!

Stacey: Woot!

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