04 February 2004

OK. This is probably going to sound ridiculous and stupid and childish, but I almost got into a fight with this girl at work over Angelina Jolie. Over a celebrity who I have never, ever met and who I will never meet and who I'm sure can defend herself just fine without me.

So we were talking about Angelina Jolie and my manager says, "She'd be a lot prettier if it wasn't for the fake boobs." Now, I have no idea if Angelina Jolie has had breast implants or not. I'm the first to admit that, unless they are REALLY fake looking, I have no idea when women have fake breasts. But I'm really not the type to let that comment pass. I said, "Do you really think Angelina Jolie has fake breasts? Because I've seen them in movies, and they look real to me." And that's when the girl started in on Angelina.

"Of course they're fake! Have you seen them! Please. Have you seen Tomb Raider? They don't even move!"

Her entire tone was so snotty and I do not let people talk about Angelina that way. So I say, "Well, you don't ever see her breasts in Tomb Raider. And she wore a padded bra in that movie, so of course they didn't move." Meanwhile, I'm thinking to myself, am I actually talking about Angelina's breasts at work? It was sort of comical.

But the girl wouldn't let it end there. She like, grabs her own breasts (which are HUGE and which are always falling out of the top of her shirt) and says, "THESE are real. Angelina and other small breasted girls are always trying to have this and it will never happen."

I didn't really have a response to that. I mean, like I said, I have no idea if Angelina has fake breasts. I don't really care, either. I'd like to think she wouldn't do that to herself, but whatever. At this point it wasn't even about Angelina. I was just getting annoyed with this girl for her horribe attitude. I was just about to walk away from her when she added: "And her LIPS! I mean, could the woman pump more collagan into her lips?"

THAT was more than I could take. Because as I and all true Angelina lovers know, those are REAL and Angelina doesn't even like them. She thinks they make her face look like a clown. So I turn to the girl making the ludicrous comments.

"What is your problem, exactly? Why are you being so rough on someone you don't even know?"

"I'm not being rough. I just hate people to think they have to add things to themselves to make them beautiful."

I didn't have a response for that. Because I think the same thing. But the problem I had with this girl was that she was saying things about Angelina that seemed to be mean. So I just stuck with that.

"Her lips aren't fake. If you see a picture of her as a child, they look exactly the same. So leave her alone!"

Then she says, "Why do you care so much about this anyway?" which seemed sort of hypocritical to me since was just as emotional as me. It was like she HATED Angelina as much as I love her. But I didn't feel like getting into it any more with her, nor did I feel like explaining my special love for Angelina as it is usually met with rolled eyes.

At any rate, I don't think I'll be engaging in any more conversations with that particular girl.

Speaking of Angelina, I just finished reading her journals that she wrote while visiting refugees in Cambodia, Ecuador, Pakistan, and Africa. I admit, I only bought the book because of the author, but it ended up deeply affecting me. Reading the descriptions of the refugees, what they've been through, what they've sacrificed and how they live really opened my eyes. Sometimes we forget how easy we have it in this world. It's easy to complain about not having enough money for the luxuries we want without realizing what we do have. I highly recommend the book. It's a little slow getting into, but once I was in, I couldn't put it down.

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