10 February 2004

There is a website that I frequent. It's a message board where we talk about all manner of things. We as a group congregated over a particular television show about six years ago. The show is long gone, but we're still friends, in as much of a sense as you can be with people you've never met.

I'm having a little bit of trouble controlling myself over a current topic, however, and it is frustrating me to NO end. Sure, there have been arguements on the board from time to time over the years, but generally we just agree to disagree and move on. This is different. I can't let this one go, even though I can seem that I won't change the mind of the person with whom I am disagreeing.

This person was talking about a reality type show (I've never seen it as she lives in a different country) where several sets of couples remodel their houses or design a house or something, and the winning couple gets money to build the house. Well, this woman was pretty offended that she sat down to watch the show with her children (both around ten years of age) and one of the couples was comprised to two men! Heaven forbid!! A homosexual couple out there for everyone to see! Anyway, she referred to this as inappropriate and how she hates having that "shoved down" her throat without her consent, with her children sitting RIGHT there.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Don't get me wrong, I know this attitude exists, but it never ceases to amaze me that people can be so ignorant and ridiculous.

First off, it's not as though this couple was having sex on television (which would be inappropriate regardless of anything else). They were REMODELING a house! For the love of Mike, what is wrong with that? In fact, her sole complaint was that they were gay. That's it. Her arguement was that her kids would question what was going on and she'd have to explain that these two men have sex with each other! Ack!

So I write her back, all the while knowing that people who think in this manner usually can't be swayed, that there is nothing inappropriate about that. In fact, if her kids did question it, there is no reason to mention the fact that they have sex. I mean, I'm not sure when I learned about sex, but I think when I was younger than ten I didn't really know. All she would have to do is explain that people love who they love, and those men love each other the same way she loves their father. I mean, is it that tough? I mean, if her children asked her why she loves her father, would she talk about sex? NO. Of course not. And it's the same thing. I told her how it really bothers me that people think it's offensive to see two people in love and in a healthy relationship simply because of their sex, and how would she like it if people stared at her and found her relationship with her husband offensive?

Also, one of the women who frequents the same website is gay. Even if this other woman is so offended, why would she post something that would obviously hurt someone in our community? I just can't understand it.

Anyway, this woman responded to what I had said to her in a very condescending tone about how "maybe in New York and San Fransisco" people can see "that" and not bat an eye, but that's not how it works. Then she sort of snottily pointed out that SHE was offended that I had essentially called her homophobic (even though I never used that word) because she is very open minded and she's raising her children to be loving and respectful and accepting of others. Yeah, because it sounds like that's how she is, doesn' t it? She then reiterated her point that putting gay people on television in a time slot when her children could watch takes the ball out of her hands as to WHEN she will broach the subject with them, and she doesn't think they're old enough for that. Old enough for what? God, woman, give your kids some credit.

Ok, my rant is over. I'm not going to respond to her because I don't want to start a war at an otherwise very friendly website.

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