16 March 2004

I'm sitting here staring at this blank screen, wanting to write something, but unable to come up with anything. Yet, it's like I'm compelled to write. I've been focusing a lot on negative things lately. It's easy to do, you know. So I think I'll make a top ten list of things that I'm happy about.

1. My sister bought fresh lilies for our apartment and it smells wonderful in here.

2. My dad came by this morning and installed a dimmer on our dining room chandelier, making it possible to sit at the table without being blinded.

3. Yesterday at work I waited on a table whose bill was $175. They gave me a $55 tip. It's not so much the money that makes me happy as it is the fact that there are such generous people out there.

4. The Sopranos is finally back on!

5. I'm going to visit my brother in Chicago April 1-7, and Matt is visiting as well April 2-4. I'm SO excited.

6. My sister bought me Taquitos and Diet Coke as a surprise. My two favorites!

7. Yesterday was my cat's eighth birthday.

8. Angelina Jolie is on the Ellen show tomorrow! On the one day of the week that I'm home during the day. I just hope she doesn't talk about having sex with her friends in hotel rooms, because that embarasses me a little.

9. My candles from the candle party arrived on Sunday and they smell so good!

10. I just got an email with a picture of my neice wearing her St. Patrick's Day eyelashes.

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