19 July 2004

Reason #2323094834 that I love Julia is conversations like this:

Stacey: I just got home from family night. My mom and I were watching Catch Me If You Can.
Julia: Oh I love that movie.
Stacey: I had never seen it but my mom had.
Julia: You never saw it?!
Julia: How could you never see it!?
Julia: Leo!!
Julia: Leo!!!
Julia: LEO!!!!
Stacey: I don't know I just never did.
Stacey: When you marry Leo, I am so going to seduce him away from you.
Julia: You do what you need to, but he will be so in love with me, its not gonna matter who tries to seduce him.
Julia: You and Giselle can spend the rest of your lives trying to woo him away, but he's mine forever.
Stacey: Fine then you can't sleep with Colin after he discovers monogomy!
Julia: I am SO not interested in sleeping with DIRTY DIRTY Colin Farrell, whether he finds monogomy or not!
Stacey: Fine then you can't sleep with Britney when she breaks up with that Yo Boy and turns to you for comfort but you're too busy being googly eyed over Leo to notice and I have to take up the slack!
Julia: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Let me tell you something. If Britney breaks up with Kevin, and needs a shoulder or two to cry on, Leo and I will be MORE than happy to welcome her into our relationship.

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