07 September 2004

It's been forever since I wrote in here. I've been working a lot which, in addition to not giving me much time to write, hasn't provided me with any activities worth writing about.

Here is a pet peeve of mine. When I'm at a store, I often get asked some question that implies the asker thinks I work at the particular store. Sometimes I think it's because I'm wearing the same color shirt as the store uniform, but other times there appears to be no correlation. Maybe I just look like someone who works in retail. Today I was at the grocery store, where the employees wear green polo shirts with the logo of the store emblazoned across the front. I was wearing a green t-shirt which I suppose is why some man came up to me and asked where he might find the bakery. I guess he didn't notice my dingy blue jeans, my leather flip flops, my ipod, or the fact that I was pushing a cart filled with groceries. I said to him, "I think it's down at the end, but I'm not sure," and the man says, "You're not sure? Don't you work here?" First off all, try using some power of observation OTHER than shirt color before assuming I work there! Secondly, I tried to help you despite the fact that I don't get paid to help clueless old men in the grocery store. So I said, rather snottily, "No I don't work here. I'm grocery shopping," and I motion to my cart full of food. So he shakes his head in frustration and walks way. What in the hell?

That's really the most interesting thing that's happened to me lately. Hopefully soon the shadowy government agency will get off its ass and finish my background investigation so I can stop working at the restaurant.

I just got the book Shadow Baby by Alison McGhee as recommended by IndigoGirl7. I haven't started it yet, but I'll give it a review when I've finished.

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